Bob Morane Original Soundtrack CD
(The cover, puck, and liner layout LO is by Yves Rodier - Bob logo: Meinert Hansen/Elie Klimos - Bob illustration: Norman LeBlanc - CD puck design: Norman LeBlanc - The illustrations are production location designs by Robert Rivard)
​(Click on the images to see them big)
Daniel Scott is at: http://www.danielscott.net/en/#/news

Bob Morane - L'Aventurier (version dessin animé)
The Theme music for the opening was different in the France version. It was an instrumental cover of Indochine's 'L'Aventurier'.
The recording was supervised by Arthur Qwak, who also supervised the french re-edit of the visuals (only slight differences to shot timing and order) which was done to sync better with the new music.
Check out some fan versions of the theme:
Bob Morane Theme on Advanced Mario Sequencer
This is the main theme of the animated series "Bob Morane", arranged on the Advanced Mario Sequencer. Enjoy! - FordPrefect86
Bob Morane - intro (piano cover)
Hi everyone!
This is my first piano cover I played completly by ear. It's an arrangement of the intro soundtrack from Bob morane composed by Paul Baraka. - Dioscuri90
Bob morane [ Remix techno ]
Hellboy opening
This is my finnished work for the Adobe After Effects course at my school.(Fachhochschule Münster)
The soundtrack is from "Bob Morane" and the maine part of the pictures are from Mike Migniola.I hope you like it. - niefali
Bob Morane - Trailer
Das Video ist eine spontane Idee und ist nicht groß geplant. Deshalb sind manche Audioschnitte nicht gerade der Brüller und ich habe nur mit ganz einfachen Videoschnittprogrammen gearbeitet.Das Video soll im Großen und Ganzen einen Eindruck über Bob Morane geben und auch Fans sollen sich daran erfreuen=).Lasst ein paar Kommentare da wenn ihr wollt (wie gesagt ist kein Meisterstück ;-) )